Date Nights bring out the diva in me- not really- but sometimes a girl needs to put on her tiara and walk down those cascading steps! Not you? Ok it's just me then! I love my yoga pants and oversized sweatshirts (it hides the me in me) - but on date night I ditch those duds and try to sparkle for my guy!! Now- although I do wear a dress and stilettos on some of my dates- sometimes I'm not feeling that- so I try to sparkle with my accessories!
Truth be told I feel much like the lady I play on TV when I put my baubles on (HA)!! I can be wearing shorts and a t-shit-on I slip my necklaces and bracelets and BAM..that outfit turns into something out of the ordinary (which I tend to be). I'm really into the whole layering thing. I mean who can choose just one??? Certainly not me. What I've learned is that I love textures and colors!! Remember that old tale about not being able to mix silver and gold... yeah that's like saying blue and black don't go together (if you're in the camp that still believes this-please stop)!!! JUST DO IT!! Put them all together and WOW- you've got something there!!
Corrie from
Layering can give your outfit depth and direction. For instance if you are wearing a really baggy top but you layer a heavy necklace-like above-right away you allow the contour of your body to shine through!! You change your comfy cover-up into a hip, let's go rock this town outfit!
Don't get me wrong, BUT being uniformed is boring....Sure there is a time and a place for it (like parochial schools) but when it comes to accessorizing - MIX IT UP!! Steer clear of matching sets...that works for sheets (well not always but for some it does).
Corrie from
A pop of color here and there can totally change your entire outfit. I tend to dress more monochromatic at times- however- I use my accessories to really make a statement! I have many current favorites!! A few of which are my Coordinate Collection Necklace, my Stella and Dot Jewelry- it's fun- yet most of it is timeless- and my diffuser necklace- you can be hippie chic and funky-while smelling great!! I'm seriously obsessed with this Present over Perfect Cuff- I mean Shauna Niequist rocks my world- these three words need to be tattooed on my forehead!
Click to see some fun examples
No matter what you choose- have fun with it!! In all things- especially when you're heading out on your date- you want to feel good about YOU!! BE YOURSELF AND OWN IT!!!
Make sure to check out Corrie's- our guest models Tongue in Cheek Animal Designs-