When you go through deep waters, I will be with you. Isaiah 43:2
Feb 7, 2017- The Day Before
My mission. God’s Promise.
I woke up this morning thinking about today. I always preface my next statement with, “without being too dramatic,” but let’s be real. It was dramatic. MY LIFE CHANGED. I CHANGED. That’s dramatic by its very definition:
Dramatic- (of an event or circumstance) sudden and striking.
Without my consent circumstances ensured that I was going to be transformed, not broken, but unequivocally different. I’m not unique. (Ok, I’m seriously unique, but so are you, so it’s all good.) Every single one of you has a story to tell. Each one of us has life circumstances (some of us multiple) that you can point to and say, “That event, person, etc, changed me. Made me different. Grew me in ways that I didn’t know were possible. Helped me become the person that I am today. Loved me.” Those are awe-inspiring statements when you really think about it. They’re huge.
Your husband doesn’t need to get shot to be able to identify your own story that way. Most of the time, in my experience, these life altering, mind blowing, transformations are born out of situations that we didn’t ask for or want. Death, illness, financial woes, marital troubles, wearing a watch in Mexico (see I do have some humor about it)… fill in the blank. The undesirable life events that you wished never happened, but they do, did, and will again. Although that statement sounds frightening I’m here to tell you, to promise you actually, because someone already promised all of us, that in our brokenness we are made whole. Even if life circumstances try to break you for part of a chapter of life, HE WILL hand you back your pen so that you both can keep writing it.
The LORD is near to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit. Psalm 34:18
Today for me is about recognizing that in one single instant our lives as we know them can change forever. This is a call to action. I don’t know if it’s from the trauma, or because of the way that my heart views it (maybe both), but inside my soul I burn with the determination that I can’t waste this opportunity. I need people to feel loved and cared for. Our decisions, actions, and words, have the power to be the very thing that eases a burden, saves a life, mends a heart, or makes an impression that encourages someone else to do the same. Our impressions on others don’t need to be for our personal gain but instead for the opportunity to touch a life that may pay it forward.
We must seek opportunities and be bold in our attempts to show people how much they mean in our lives. For so many of us we close ourselves off because we aren’t sure how we will be viewed or possibly we are too tired to put forth the effort. Maybe we don’t want to be judged. Although valid on many levels, I can no longer accept these standards as my own. Last week on the VERY SAME DAY, a day that was a little off for me, one angel in my life (I’m certain she is), and one family friend (that I rarely talk to), both shared God’s promise with me. Both separately and in very different ways. One, I’m sure, had no idea that I was coming up on this day, but was led to share with me something that I needed to hear. His bold obedience touched a piece of my heart in a palpable way. They both reached out and in so doing strengthened me.
“For though we walk in the flesh, we are not waging war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy strongholds.” 2 Corinthians 10:3-4
I’m not trying to stand on a soapbox here, but have you withheld words of your heart from someone? Have you refused forgiveness? Not showed up? Didn’t make that call? Didn’t want to deal? Chose to deny the truth? Built barriers from someone that actually needed an invitation? Tomorrow may not come. You have the opportunity to mend your fence TODAY. DON’T WASTE IT. Are you listening? DON’T WASTE IT.
This day, in my history, transformed me and released me from the numbness that I had told myself that I needed to have to live in community with others. It unleashed my empathetic and passionate heart in such a way that I am not only hyper aware of the value of life and treasure of each person but I have no choice but to do something about it. The deep water that the trauma brought into my life becomes shallow with the opportunity to pour into others and the promise that HE will be with us through it all.